Kostüme.com- Logo - Bewertungen


2.145 Bewertungen in den letzten 12 Monaten13.645 Bewertungen insgesamt  

Digital Trust ist unsere Mission. So funktionieren Bewertungen bei Trusted Shops.

Relevanteste positive Bewertung

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I received an email informing that one of the two items I ordered, was cancelled. This surprised me because I didn't cancel anything, so I sent an email asking to cancel the item #2 as well (that it was a mask only), and I received a very quick response informing that the item #1 was cancelled because it was not in stock and they offered me to reimburse the amount of the two items as well as the shipping cost. This is great customer service as they really care about customers satisfaction. This was the first time I ordered something in this site and I'd do it again. Suggestion: If an item is out of stock, get in contact with the customer and ask if they want the rest of the order, because the process is to continue with the shipment but this may get in the situation that the shipping cots is even more expensive that the item to be sent to the customer.

Relevanteste negative Bewertung

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Im Prinzip zahle ich drauf! Versandkosten sind ok. Aber dass ich keine kostenfreie Retour habe, ist grenzwertig und da gibt es wesentlich bessere Anbieter. Im Prinzip muss ich mir bei Bestellung schon sicher sein, dass ich alles behalten möchte. Sorry, aber dafür gibt es nur 3 Sterne.
Digital Trust ist unsere Mission. So funktionieren Bewertungen bei Trusted Shops.

Bewertungen für Kostüme.com


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