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310 Bewertungen in den letzten 12 Monaten10.794 Bewertungen insgesamt  

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Relevanteste positive Bewertung

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Bestelle dort häufig, wegen toller Produktauswahl und bin immer zufrieden. Vor allem ist die Lieferung super schnell.

Relevanteste negative Bewertung

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The biggest shock was that it was made out of thermocol, I feel if I am going to put even a little bit of a pressure it is going to brake, i can’t say I am dissatisfied but i am not satisfied either, even when i press my nail against it, it leaves a dent on it, i don’t know how durable it is all i can say that the wheels and the handle are made up of very good quality, my baby is 1.5 years old and he’s not confident enough to sit on it by himself yet, though he walks and runs but he’s a bit sceptical about it may be he will get used to it with time, it runs smoothly on the marble floor, and on wooden too but a bit pricey bcz the structure is completely made out of thermocol, wasn’t expecting that, my husband was shock too, it wasn’t written in the description or may be i didn’t read it thoroughly bcz german is not my first language, now if my baby likes it then only I will rate it high otherwise it will be a total waste of money And also these people should work on their website, it’s a first website which doesn’t tell me the status of my package, weird!
Digital Trust ist unsere Mission. So funktionieren Bewertungen bei Trusted Shops.

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