Livehelfi | Der führende Webshop für Biohacking in der EU

312 Bewertungen in den letzten 12 Monaten1.290 Bewertungen insgesamt  

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Livehelfi | Der führende Webshop für Biohacking in der EU erfüllt unter anderem folgende Trusted Shops Qualitätskriterien:
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Relevanteste positive Bewertung

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Endlich mit NoordCode das finale Getränkepulver gefunden! Wenig Magnesium, weil davon bekomme ich Durchfall. Kein Calcium, weil davon ist genug vorhanden. Und es schmeckt gut, allerdings mit der Hälfte dosiert für den Alltag (2 Liter pro Tag), sonst wäre es mir zu süß. Beim Sport normale Dosis.

Relevanteste negative Bewertung

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Always bought LMNT electrolytes with shipping to Germany. Now they recommend switching to Noordcode electrolytes of which it tried NoordCode Electrolytes Lemon Orange which is no alternative for me. The packaging ist one big plastic jar which looks really cheap and will contain micro plastics. Also there is a tiny plastic scoop and a silica bag directly inside the elctrolyte powder. The individual small bags that LMNT was packaged in was easily portable on trips or on vacation, with the big container of Noordcode i will also loose this advantage. Also the Orange taste is just bad compared to the LMNT lemon taste. Will have to search for another supplier, thinking of switching to WaterDrop. This was my last order on LiveHelfi. I really regret not getting more of the LMNT electrolytes when they were still available. Trusted LiveHelfi with there recommendation to switch to Noordcode which turned out to be no real replacement!
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Bewertungen für Livehelfi | Der führende Webshop für Biohacking in der EU

Neueste zuerst
vor 2 Tagen
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Es dauert lange, die Bestellung abzusenden, und ich habe sie immer noch nicht erhalten.
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Antwort von Livehelfi | Der führende Webshop für Biohacking in der EU
vor 4 Stunden
Hi, yesterday we received several emails from German customers that they were still waiting for their parcels, and because of this high amount of delays we reached out to the carrier to inquire after this backlog. It turned out that they had a container with LiveHelfi parcels at their depot that was overlooked somehow. This container was loaded with parcels from the first days of may, and unfortunately your parcel was one of those. The expectation was that the parcels from this specific container would be processed further, now that the container was 'rediscovered'. Today indeed we saw that the parcels were back in process, including yours. This was an exceptional situation, and we regret that this has happened with one of our carriers. According to the tracking link, your parcel has been delivered today, so we're happy to see that. Thank you for your patience, and apologies for all inconveniences. -Team LiveHelfi-
vor 3 Tagen
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Lange Lieferzeit.

Ich habe am Sonntag bestellt, also exakt vor einer Woche. (Meine vorherige Bestellung, auch an einem Sonntag, war innerhalb von drei Tagen da). Laut DHL wurde das Paket am Montag elektronisch angekündigt. Seit dieser Info hat sich der Status in der TrackingApp nicht geändert. Livehelfi bat auf meine Nachfrage am Freitag um Geduld. Es wäre hilfreich, wenn lange Lieferzeiten schon bei Bestellung mitgeteilt würden. Stattdessen wurde ich schon zweimal gebeten, Feedback zu Lieferung zu geben, dem ich hiermit nachkomme.
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Antwort von Livehelfi | Der führende Webshop für Biohacking in der EU
vor 2 Tagen
Hi, we're sorry to hear that your parcel seems to be stuck in the process. The tracking links shows only a prescan, but nothing more and based on our experience the parcel is no longer traceable. We expect that it will return to us eventually. Unfortunately this is a delay on the carrier's side, and we have no insight or influence in their processes. The estimated transit time we mention on our website is accurate, but unfortunately unforeseen delays can always occur. Anyhow: We will send you a replacement parcel today! - Team LiveHelfi-
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Ganz schlechtet Erfahrung

Ganz schlechte Erfahrung
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Antwort von Livehelfi | Der führende Webshop für Biohacking in der EU
Hi, we're sorry to hear that your experience with LiveHelfi is not positive. Last thursday we replied to your emails that we didn't know the answer, that we had to reach out to the manufacturer and that we would get back to you as soon as we would have more information. Unfortunately we haven't heard back from them yet, but there was of course a weekend in between. We haven't forgotten you, but we will have to wait for further information from supplier. As soon as we have it, we will let you know instantly.
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DHL hats zurück geschickt? Warum? Fehlt die Postnummer zur Packstation?
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Antwort von Livehelfi | Der führende Webshop für Biohacking in der EU
I'm sorry to hear that you didn't receive your parcel. The reason was that the address was wrong. That is why it was sent back. We have prepared a replacement parcel for you and adjusted the shipping address for you.
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My order has not been shipped for a week and there has been no response.
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Antwort von Livehelfi | Der führende Webshop für Biohacking in der EU
Hi, I see that indeed your email got overlooked and was therefore not replied. Our sincerest apologies for that! Unfortunately due to Black Friday, several orders got delayed and were thus delivered much later. According to the tracking link for your parcel, it should have been delivered on the 3rd of december. We will contact you personally by email about this.
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Always bought LMNT electrolytes with shipping to Germany. Now they recommend switching to Noordcode electrolytes of which it tried NoordCode Electrolytes Lemon Orange which is no alternative for me. The packaging ist one big plastic jar which looks really cheap and will contain micro plastics. Also there is a tiny plastic scoop and a silica bag directly inside the elctrolyte powder. The individual small bags that LMNT was packaged in was easily portable on trips or on vacation, with the big container of Noordcode i will also loose this advantage. Also the Orange taste is just bad compared to the LMNT lemon taste. Will have to search for another supplier, thinking of switching to WaterDrop. This was my last order on LiveHelfi. I really regret not getting more of the LMNT electrolytes when they were still available. Trusted LiveHelfi with there recommendation to switch to Noordcode which turned out to be no real replacement!
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Antwort von Livehelfi | Der führende Webshop für Biohacking in der EU
Thank you for your feedback. Taste is a very individual thing, so we can't argue with that. Luckily, we have many customers who like the taste, and we have alternative flavours for the ones who don't like the Lemon Orange. Regarding the packaging. We use food-grade jars of the highest quality. We are confident that they don't generate microplastics because when you open it, potential microplastics are on the outside, not on the inside of the jar. The silica bag is necessary because the product contains salt. Without the bag, it would become unusable. It is a solution that every producer of electrolytes offers with their jars. The silica bag is also food grade without any potential harm to the user. We are working on stick packs for the people who want to take the electrolytes with them. We plan to introduce it in the first quarter of next year. Last but not least, we are very confident that we created a superior replacement for the LMNT product, and based on the feedback of our customers, they appreciate the quality of the ingredients.
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Versandkosten irreführend dargestellt

Bei der Bestellung wurden die Versandkosten innerhalb Europas ab einem bestimmten Betrag als umsonst dargestellt. Ich erhöhte meine Bestellung entsprechend sodass keine Versandkosten anfallen. Bei der Bezahlung allerdings wurden mir 20€ dafür berechnet.
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Antwort von Livehelfi | Der führende Webshop für Biohacking in der EU
Hi, all of our shipping costs are shown in the table on the page shipping and returns. Apart from that, the shipping costs are mentioned in the checkout as well. Every country has it's own treshold for free shipping, which is also clearly visible in the table.
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Gutschein wurde nicht berücksichtigt
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Antwort von Livehelfi | Der führende Webshop für Biohacking in der EU
Hi, we're sorry to hear that your discount code didn't work. If anything like this happens, please let us know by sending an email to, for then we can assist you, or credit the discount value as a refund.
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Leider schmeckt die Vanillevariante katastrophal, ist viel zu süß und schmeckt zu stark nach dem Süßungsmittel. Da euch das bekannt ist, hätte man das längst ändern können. Zudem hatte ich nicht zweimal Vanille, sondern auch einmal Vanille, einmal Nuss bestellt. Auch das hat nicht funktioniert.
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Antwort von Livehelfi | Der führende Webshop für Biohacking in der EU
Hi, we're sorry to hear that the vanilla taste is not what you hoped for. As we are reseller of this product, and not the manufacturer, we have no influence over the exact formula or recipe. I see that you ordered indeed one vanilla creamer and one unflavored creamer, do I understand correctly that you received 2 x vanilla creamer instead? For in that case we will solve this for you by sending the right product. We will send you a separate email to solve this for you.
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Antwort von Livehelfi | Der führende Webshop für Biohacking in der EU
Hi, I see that you gave us one star, but without additional comment. In order to give you the best possible service we value comments to improve wherever possible. Was something wrong with your order? With the items you received? We will contact you by email and see how we can help you.
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Der Versand für eine Größe von Bücherwaren ist sehr hochpreisig.
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Antwort von Livehelfi | Der führende Webshop für Biohacking in der EU
Hi, we agree that the shipping costs can be quite high, considering the ordering amount. Unfortunately those costs aren't determined by us, but by the carriers. We as a company don't profit in any way from these costs and we are constantly looking for the best possible options for shipping. - Anna-