I purchased a product on January 10, 2024, order # 52548. After that I got an email on January 15, 2024 that my order was processed. In that list I realized that a product is missing:
Rosehip powder, Bio, Dragon Superfoods, 250g/1kg - Single piece 1kg 1 €10.29.
I wrote immediately to shop@martorganic.com to give feedback about the missing product. Unfortunatelly Google sent me back the following message today(January 17, 2024) :
The recipient server did not accept our requests to connect. Learn more at https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7720 [martorganic.com FAILED_PRECONDITION: connect error (111): Connection refused]
And now I still don't know anything about missing product. Please let me know what to expect next.
Bestellung vor einer Woche bezahlt, seitdem offener Sendungsstatus.
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Antwort von smartorganic.com/de/
Thank you for this feedback! The carrier company claimed that Your shipment was held for one additional day at the paketshop. Delivery has been completed on the next day 31.07.2024. Please accept our apologies for the caused inconveniences!
I purchased a product on January 10, 2024, order # 52548. After that I got an email on January 15, 2024 that my order was processed. In that list I realized that a product is missing:
Rosehip powder, Bio, Dragon Superfoods, 250g/1kg - Single piece 1kg 1 €10.29.
I wrote immediately to shop@martorganic.com to give feedback about the missing product. Unfortunatelly Google sent me back the following message today(January 17, 2024) :
The recipient server did not accept our requests to connect. Learn more at https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7720 [martorganic.com FAILED_PRECONDITION: connect error (111): Connection refused]
And now I still don't know anything about missing product. Please let me know what to expect next.
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Antwort von smartorganic.com/de/
Thank you for this feedback! The paid amount for the missing product was refunded right away when we received this message. Please accept our apologies for the delayed information about your order and thank you for your understanding!